Monday, July 1, 2013

Should schools ditch paper textbooks for good?

Paper textbooks are costing schools more than $100.00 each! Besides cost, traditional textbooks have many other disadvantages.

Disadvantages to paper textbooks:

  • easily damaged
  • content can become obsolete or outdated in just a few years
  • heavy to carry around

Digital textbooks do not have these problems.

Advantages to e-texts:

  • cost significantly less than traditional textbooks
  • relatively vandal-proof
  • can be regularly updated online
  • can incorporate video, online connectivity, and other features that can’t exist on the printed page

So why haven't all schools adopted e-texts?

Hurdle #1: The textbook-adoption cycle 

Many states have to keep their textbooks for 7-10 years, therefore must wait on accepting digital content.

Hurdle #2: Truly ubiquitous laptop computing

Many states can not afford to switch over to digital textbooks yet.

Hurdle #3: Wider adoption of distance-learning teaching models

Before states transform to digital textbooks, that must try to come up with a system that combines e-texts with a course management system combining worksheets, quizzes, lessons, and the e-texts.

Here are some interesting e-textbook products out there:

Weigh in-What do your school's use?

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