Thursday, July 11, 2013

Link to My Standards Based Lesson

Link to the lesson I blogged about below...T-shirt Design Lesson on Patterns

My Standards Based Lesson on Geometry

TITLE:T-Shirt Design Lesson
DATE: June 12, 2013
FOCUS: Patterns


Mathematics - Kindergarten

Standard 1.0 Knowledge of Algebra, Patterns, and Functions: Students will algebraically represent, model, analyze, or solve mathematical or real-world problems involving patterns or functional relationships.

A. Patterns and Functions
1. Identify and copy numeric patterns

Objective: a. Use manipulatives with numeric qualities to build patterns

A. Patterns and Functions
2. Identify, copy, describe, create, and extend non-numeric patterns

Objective: b. Represent and analyze repeating patterns using no more than 3 objects in the core of the pattern

Objective: d. Identify patterns in real life situations

Objective: f. Continue patterns

The students will work in a small group to discuss/plan their t-shirt design layout.
The students will use the web 2.0 i-pad Fashion Lab pro to design the layout of their t-shirt.

Real World Setting: Fashion

You are a t-shirt designer for your class. You are faced with designing a t-shirt for pattern day that includes a repeating pattern. You must accurately design on a t-shirt using  I-pad app Fashion Lab Design Studio. Once you have completed your design you will construct a real t-shirt. You will present your design for your t-shirt, and your teachers will choose which one to use.


Student Involvement - The students will complete the lesson in small groups.

Use of Resources - The school will provide, classroom materials such as pencil, paper, notebooks, computer hardware and software (I-pads), and classroom time to complete the task.

Customer for Student Work - The student will present their t-shirt as evidence of task completion to their peers and teachers.

Assessment of Student Work - The following people will be involved in assessing student work generated to complete the task:

The student's teacher
Other teachers in the school

Assessment of Student Work - The following forms of assessment will be used to determine progress and results-a checklist.

Reporting Results - The assessment results will be reported as a score point on a rubric.

Timeline - The estimated time needed to plan, teach, and score this task is two planning periods and one class meeting.


Five Es Model of Instruction

Activity 1. Engagement: The strategies in this section capture the students' attention, stimulate their thinking, and help them access prior knowledge.
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
Activity 2. Exploration: In this section, students are given time to think, plan, investigate, and organize collected information.
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
  • Give students problem:
  • As a clothing designer you will be asked to design a t-shirt for pattern day.
  • Your t-shirt will have to represent a repeating pattern.
  • You will work in a team to collaborate, design, and plan a t-shirt design for your class to wear on pattern day. You must use Fashion Lab Pro App on I-pad provided.
Activity 3. Explanation: Students are now involved in an analysis of their exploration. Their understanding is clarified and modified because of reflective strategies.
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
Explain how to use to Fashion Lab Pro App. Model an example. Explain to students that after they are done designing using app, they must construct a real t-shirt using pattern block stamps, apple shape stamps, insect stamps, alphabet stamps, stickers, paper cut shapes, or magic markers. 

The students will be graded based on group collaboration, and their use of the app on their I-pads.

Activity 4. Extension: This section gives students the opportunity to expand and solidify their understanding of the concept and/or apply it to a real world situation.
Estimated Time: 1-2 days
Students will plan as a group. Each member will contribute. Students will use app to design their t-shirt. Once they have their design, they will construct a real t-shirt using materials provided. 

Activity 5. Evaluation: Evaluation occurs throughout the lesson. Scoring tools developed by teachers and students target what students must know and do. Consistent use of scoring tools improves learning.
Students will present their t-shirts in front of their peers and teachers.
Source: 5E Instructional Model

Well Developed – 3
Developed– 2
Beginning – 1

Group Discussion
I contribute consistently and actively to group discussions.I contribute to group discussions.I contribute in consistently to the group.
Task Completion
I accept and perform all of the tasks I take on.I complete my assigned tasks.I complete my assigned tasks with encouragement.

Pattern Creation
I create patterns with more than two elements and clearly explain why it is a pattern. I can code the pattern with ABCD.I recognize and create repeating patterns.I do not create patterns without some encouragement.
Web 2.0I used Fashion Lab 2.0 to design my t-shirt.I used the materials given, and the Paint Program to design my t-shirt.I only used stamps/ and or stickers to design my t-shirt.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

My Positions on Technology in the Classroom

The technology environment of today's public schools should match the tools and approaches of the work and life that students will encounter after graduation. This will ensure that schools stay relevant to today's students., as well as make them better equipped for today's world. I think that more funding should be set aside for technology integration in schools and classrooms. 

In order for technology integration to be successful budgets should reflect the importance of professional development. A portion of the budgets should be reserved for school staff to become proficient in using and integrating technology into their classrooms.

Educators themselves should be involved in decisions on planning, purchasing, and deploying education technology.Technology should be deployed and applied equitably among all students and educators, regardless of geography or demographics.Students should also be taught the appropriate and safe use of technology.

Apps to use in the classroom

ileap Pick a Student

Pick A Student is a simple app designed to help teachers pick students to help or participate in class. It supports multiple different classes and various options to choose students. Choosing a student randomly will pick any student from the class, and using turn based selection every student will be picked before any student is picked again.

Traffic Light

Have you ever dreamed of watching your own traffic light right from your desk? If so it's really high time! Traffic Light is definitly worth watching and a nice device to control and optimize your time.

Digital sand timer with artistic design. Time flows and does it stylishly. 

This digitized hourglass can be used to time anything for up to 60 minutes. It's like having a nice looking visual.

If you're organizing a classroom library or helping a student find a "just right" book, the BookLeveler app will definitely come in handy.

Do you need some peace, love and happiness in your classroom? If so you need Groovy Grader. Groovy Grader is an App designed to replace your “old school” paper grading calculator. Groovy Grader provides more flexibility, convenience and ease then other popular slide graders. It can be configured to work with up to 150 questions.

The History of Technology in Education

How will you shape the classroom of tomorrow?

Post your comments below...

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Quote of the day...

"You must be the change you want to see in the world"

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Quote of the day...

“We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.”
                                                                                                                                                   – David Warlick