Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Problems with Technology in Classrooms

One of the main arguments today, is that students should be able to apply classroom concepts to daily life, and a large part of that daily life revolves around technology. Taking technology out of the classroom would be a detriment to the students. However, there are problems with technology that we are still trying to overcome.

Pace of Change

Not all schools can keep up with changing technology. Schools must take extra measures, such as hiring an IT team to keep up with today's changing technology.

Hate Groups, Pornography

 Our school has a filter to block most of these sites. However it is important that students are supervised when using technology, and that these kind of sites are discussed with students prior to them discovering them on their own.


Text Messaging, Social Media

All of these could be considered distractions as opposed to students using technology as a learning tool. The teacher must decide whether or not to use filtered browsing on the devices to cut down on distractions, which might not be an option if the child owns the device.


Student privacy can be compromised by internet usage.  Students should be taught prior to using technology about revealing too much personal information online. Student accounts should always go through school servers.

As with all issues relating to technology  education and supervision will be crucial when students are using technology. We are only truly at the beginning of this new technology phase, and will continue growing and learning.

My Sources

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